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Bumblebee Academy is both a pre-school and an elementary learning center that focuses on a small, inclusive classroom learning environment that allows learners to learn from each other and achieve individual goals.

Our Story

At Bumblebee Academy and our sister company, Piece of the Puzzle Behavior Analysis, we always say it is important to understand everyone’s WHY. When making an important decision like naming a business, we go back to our why. Before Bumblebee Academy and before Piece of the Puzzle, Christina Morales started as a mom, who like so many other parents out there, wanted the very best for her son. Through Vinny’s diagnosis and journey with ASD, Christina has remained dedicated to providing her son with the support and environment he needs to achieve his goals. 

Vin’s nickname from his stepdad is ‘Bumblebee’ because he has believed and seen that Vinny, like the bumblebee, can do things that others believe he couldn’t or shouldn’t be able to do. There are a lot of things that can stand in the way of one’s success but finding a way around those barriers can allow someone to truly soar.  

Changing a child’s environment to provide them with the support they need can be one of the most impactful ways of setting them up for success. Inspired by the success Vinny has had after a major change in his environment, we have strived to create Bumblebee Academy to be the place where each individual student will get the support they need soar beyond any limits.

Hours of Operation: M-F 7:30am-5:30pm
6708 Gaddy Street, Fort Pierce, Florida 34951
Phone: 772-252-4273| Fax: 305-290-3081

DCF license # C19SL0240

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